

Baker Family News

A new adventure for Sue's family begins this fall as her husband Mike received a job promotion that is taking him to the northern part of England for a three year assignment. And so the frequent flyer miles will accrue as this new chapter sets in. Sue will be traveling across the pond about every 6 weeks to spend time with Mike and work from the backend. Our Yarn Bar will benefit from an expanded network of shops to explore and yarns to find, people to meet, as well as stories to share. The wonderful community surrounding us will surely...
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Family Ties Chapter Two

Sue's maternal great grandmother's name was Alice.
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Family Ties Chapter One

We are very proud to be the new home of Sue's Great-Great Grandparents' kitchen table. My mom remembers it being painted grey and I have always heard tales of Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's immaculate and beautifully kept farm outside of Kansas City (Sophia came to the States from Denmark for an arranged marriage, and ended up marrying the Danish hired hand, Nels, who picked her up at the train station!). I love hearing my mom and aunt tell stories with Grandma Hansen's Danish accent interspersed. But I really, really had my interest piqued a couple of years ago when I...
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Random thoughts on the Yarn Bar’s Beginnings

So here we are. This project will significantly mark the year 2017 in our lives. Part of the initial process involved emailing a few big names in the knitting world to ask about yarn recommendations for “basics” since we didn’t want to overlap brands with the existing LYS in Billings. We actually got a reply--from the one and only Kay Gardiner, of MasonDixon Knitting fame! One of her comments was, “The world can always use another excellent yarn shop”. A solid vote of confidence and a high standard for which we are working very hard to achieve... Huge thanks to...
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