

Cheers to the New Bub!

Linda's oldest daughter Maddie welcomed her baby boy on November 25th! His name is Hayden James and everyone is doing great. Thank you to the internet because daily pics, videos, phone calls, and FaceTime chats are keeping all the family in the loop and Linda can't wait for her first chance to cuddle this Aussie grandbaby in about a week! FYI: 56cm = 22"
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Autumn Eye Candy from the UK

Sue's most recent visit to the UK home included two weekend trips into Yorkshire, about one - two hours' drive depending on traffic and where exactly we're heading. We've been to the city of York a few times now, so the central area is familiar. York's Roman wall around the city centre is impressive and its medieval cathedral is an incredible landmark!   The shopping district with its narrow streets and alleys along with very old buildings and some original medieval streets are amazing. This pic was taken last year when we were in York - (it was the inspiration...
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Siblings report 1.0

Allow us to get a bit brag-ish about Sue's brother Alex, who is a prof at UCLA and director of the Center for Climate Science. He had this great interview this week on radio KCRW. We link it here, and encourage you to check it out. Alex talks specifically about Southern California climate impacts, but also gives some advice towards the end of the interview that we can all think about and apply directly to our lives. Or, we can be inspired by teenagers and young adults in the US and world-wide as they look to their future.  Here in our little...
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This is my Mom.

This is Linda's Mom.My mom died in February.  The funeral was lovely and personal, and the obituary my brother wrote was nice too, but obituaries are short and to the point; there’s a lot that isn’t said.Barbara May Richardson Johnson was quite the lady. Always more than a bit chatty, she quieted in her later years due to progressive dementia. She maintained her outward beauty to the end – her jewelry collection was evidence, and her clothing choices were always coordinated and colorful. But the frustrating symptoms of dementia prevented us from seeing the artistic side of her personality. So...
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Jet Lagged Report

Sue chats a bit about the new English adventure....
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