More Than Halfway

The temporary job assignment is nearly 2/3 complete - wow! Nobody anticipated an event like Global Pandemic back when we were considering the pros and cons of Mike living in the UK for three years. And I won't dive far into the tears of fear, frustration, worry, and anger that some of you have witnessed from me over the past few months. We are beyond lucky that we have so far stayed healthy, as have those close to us (family and coworkers). The Covid era is forcing everyone to reevaluate what means the most and certainly slow down.

The travel-to-the-UK-every-6-weeks-and-stay-for-a-relatively-short-period-of-time ended for me on March 5. I sat across the aisle on a full flight over the Atlantic listening to American tourists gushing about their trip to Italy and wondered if they had caught Covid-19. I waited for our young adult kids to get back to Billings and obsessively read the world news. Mike worked (UK Essential Workforce) and fully rearranged the fifteen month's worth of prep for major project that was scheduled for June. He was able to travel home to Montana for several weeks in May, and I ventured back across the pond last week, armed with face masks and prepared to stay home in Northeast Lincolnshire for 14 days.

The air travel was smooth with a nearly full domestic flight from Denver to Boston. The flight from Boston to Frankfurt was not full, but it seemed like it was more than half so. Frankfurt to Manchester was filled to about 50% capacity. The varying degrees of complete body coverings (the one I saw was totally unzipped 🤔 they must be hot) to gloves to assorted face coverings added an interesting people-watching component. It seemed like most people on the international flight had a definite purpose to the travel (i.e. going to a home base rather than going on a holiday). A different travel route for me was probably good for my brain. The lack of clear signage in Boston's airport was a frustration, and the abundant messaging about the importance of frequent hand washing in Frankfurt's airport was impressive. Face masks were fine to wear and I'll continue the practice in confined travel situations going forward even when we don't "have to".

I've been here 6 days with no fever etc. There's a fair amount of housework to do if (when) I feel like it. (full disclosure; cleaning brings me little joy) Favorite chore here is laundry when it can dry on the line.

And there's plenty of behind the scenes Yarn Bar work at the Waltham kitchen table/office. Also, work in the form of knitting projects are here.

Maybe the biggest wish while here is that I had this kind of flexible time to devote to the Montana craft room...

The time spent with Mike is precious, something we have taken for granted often in the 29 years of marriage. The UK home feels homey; walking routes are abundant. The flowers here enjoy sea air and mild temps.


The English produce (from supermarket or produce shop) continues to be outstanding (I'm convinced it is more local than what we get in the states because of the actual size of the country - nothing's more than a few hours' drive time from field to distribution center). English countryside and villages here in Northeast Lincolnshire are still charming to me. 


As in Billings, it seems like there are more people rediscovering their home base - Mike said one of our favorite public paths we found early on has been found by several longtime residents for the first time. We're not feeling rushed to plan the next weekend getaway and simply enjoying what is here and now - a good lesson no matter where we find ourselves. I hope we are all able to remember this when a different normal arrives, post-pandemic.




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  • Whenever my family and I talk of the time we spent in the UK, the supermarkets are always near the top of our “miss list”! Oh, how I miss Ocado delivery…

    Kendra on
  • Beautiful photos! Glad you’re enjoying life!

    Ann on
  • Lincolnshire is lovely! Thank you for all the beautiful pics! I always thought the Billings area to be beautiful! But then, it reminds me of being home; something I may not get to do for awhile, as my Mom’s immune system has been compromised severely and mine, is too- and I would not want to expose my parents to anything! Enjoy the dog days of summer!

    Karen Machado on

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