Mini Bar mini report

We're expecting!!! A Yarn Bar expansion! We've talked about it in our email for a couple of weeks, posted a few pictures on social media stories and in our videos, but here it is in Blog Format......

The Mini Bar is in a completely separate building a short walk east of the shop at 2020 Grand, Suite 8. It consists of two rooms and a small bathroom; one room will function as our classroom and the other will be office/storage. We need both, as you can see from this pic of our "office" today.

The classroom table in the shop functions as work table on most days and that is less than desirable - you don't want to see our inventory counts and backend website.

Moving our classroom area out of the the main shop will give us a bit more floor space for merchandising and gives us more room to spread out in a learning situation. We're looking forward to having a more organized place to maintain the business end of things, as well as keep samples and back-stocked yarn tidy.

Still not sure how the logistics of everything will work. We do think a quieter classroom that's not interrupted by shoppers will be good for our students, but worry a little that it won't be as convenient to "start a tab" for missing notions during class. We're figuring out ways to work around that. Seems like we have a patient and helpful network of Yarn Bar Groupies who will give us feedback!

We plan to have the Mini Bar space ready to show off sometime during our July sale week (the 13th-18th), and the first official class at the Mini Bar is on the 18th. We will talk about it more again soon!

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  • Congratulations . . . no surprise that you need more room! Can’t wait to see you in July!

    Susan L Cochran on

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