Get Lit at Yarn Bar

We love to read, we love to knit, and we like to visit with others who have these interests in common, so why not combine all? Truth is, Linda and Sue don’t have oodles of time to read (or we’ve gotten out of our reading habits) and we think that establishing a book group gathering at Yarn Bar makes sense for us since we are here a lot. Our plan at the moment is to meet every other month in our shop’s space and knit/discuss the group’s book. We’ve selected the first book: Knitlandia by Clara Parkes. The group can decide what direction to go with future selections and we are wide open to suggestions at this point. We don’t think all the book choices should be knitting related whatsoever! We did choose Knitlandia as the first read because we’ve both enjoyed it and Clara Parkes’ writing is lovely, “…wry wit…a fresh view of destinations both exotic and ordinary…” (Kathy Blumenstock, Washington Post).

We look forward to gathering, knitting, and chatting together about the places and events that Clara writes of in the memoir. Please join us! Our first get together will be on Wednesday September 20th from 7:00 until about 9:00.


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