Carbeth Pullover Report

We all noticed the adorable Carbeth pattern when it was released in January, so when the Mason-Dixon gals chose it to be their "Bang Out a Sweater" knit-along in February we jumped right in, along with several other Yarn Bar friends . . . and many many others worldwide!!! Kate Davies released it as a cardigan later in the month also, and that's the version that Linda is working on.

Sue's only modification for hers was to lengthen the bodice by 3 inches. Yarn used was Arranmore Light by Fibre Co. Yarn Perfection y'all! Made in Ireland with wool, silk, and cashmere, you can imagine its yumminess. Little flecks of color pop up as with all tweeds and I combined two colors for a satisfying marl effect. 

Finished sweater demands photo shoot in today's Age of Social Media; how fortuitous that I live in a super scenic state and was heading over to Bozeman for daughter's final high school annual band festival with a willing photographer (aka Dear Husband Mike). Here are a few pics! (and kudos to my fab hair stylist Alice Frank!)

Would I knit this again? YES!!! We've seen it worked up in several other yarns from the shop with really lovely results. Cheers to hand knit sweaters!


inspiration sweater

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