Anna Charms

We are oh so happy to report that our instincts about hosting Anna Maltz in Billings were spot-on. She came, she shared, she laughed, she taught, she told stories, she challenged, she was gracious and patient. We listened, we laughed, we questioned, we learned a lot, and we were inspired. 



We are still basking in the glow that was her visit to us, and all who took her workshops talk about them immediately when they've popped back in for something. "Best one I've ever taken" is the consensus. Advice from Anna overheard during workshops:

"The very first start of small circumference knitting is always a good ole fiddle"
"Work out your knitting to suit you"  

We're ready for Anna to come back! In the meantime, we follow her as @sweaterspotter on Instagram, wait eagerly for each PomPom Quarterly issue where Anna's essays appear, and knit her fabulous designs -- from a penguin softie to great accessories to marvelous sweaters.



 Please keep showing us your progress from the Montana Marlisle weekend workshops and let's stay on the Marlisle Map, dear Yarn Bar friends!






Anna Maltz Marlisle workshops

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