Building Blocks: The First 6 Months

Building Blocks: The First 6 Months

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Yarn Bar

On site at Yarn Bar at 10 - 11am

Join us for Cindy Dell's Building Blocks, our monthly confidence-building class. Explore new stitches and create 6 Making texture using knit & purl stitches by reading a chart with our expert, Cindy. Each month, you'll learn unique skills and create something amazing. Perfect for beginners but experienced knitters with enjoy as well

Beginning July 13 - : Making chevrons using using knits and purls

August 10: Making texture using knit & purl stitches by reading a chart

September 7: Making lace using yarn overs and bobbles

October 5:  Making Simple lace using simple decreases and yarn overs

November 2: Making Cables

December 7:Making pretty texture using a right twist stitch

Second 6 months to be scheduled at a later date.

Building Blocks Book
12 skeins of an aran weight.  Each block requires about 140 yds of aran.  
Size 10.5 needles
Stitch markers
Ruler (12 inches)
Blunt tapestry needle
Cable needle

Cast on and Bind off, Knit, Purl, The rest will be taught.

Measuring Gauge • Reading patterns • Decreases and increases • Reading charts • Yarn over stitch • Bobble stitch • Cables • Twisted stitches • Mock cabling • Slipped stitches • SSK & K2tog • Make 1 stitch• Central Double Decrease • Mattress stitch
Cindy Dell Bio
Cindy Dell has been knitting for over 50 years and was taught to knit by her Norwegian
Grandmother. She is a TKGA Certified Master Knitter and enrolled in the TKGA Certified
Knitting Instructor course. She has been in the fiber arts for many years, as a quilt
maker, knitter, crocheter, spinner, weaver, knitwear designer, and dyer. If you have a
Ravelry account, you can find her as CindyAnn there, and see some of the things she
has knit and designed. She also moderates the Yarn Bar Patrons Board on Ravelry.
Cindy has a doctorate in adult learning and taught in the College of Education at Montana State University Billings for 30 years.



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