
Our Rowan Party is tomorrow! 

Cake's ordered, champagne purchased, red plates & napkins good to go, the beautiful signage from Rowan sorted. Our Rowan area of shop's looking lovely.

The terrific door prizes from Rowan are getting organized.

We're as ready as we can be before last minute cake table arranging right before the party!!!  And we're so proud to be Montana's Rowan Flagship Store.

Looking ahead to our next Big Event:  hosting our first international teacher! Anna Maltz arrives in early November for the fun Montana Marlisle weekend. (Our friend Kay at Mason-Dixon suggested that we call her "Anna Montana" - lol.) Thoughts swirling around our brains for this are setting lunch menus for workshop days, planning afternoon tea treats, and getting some presents organized for class participants.

We also have to put together a Welcome to Montana gift basket for our guest....We have Anna's suggestions for food (through direct ask and stalking her Instagram page -- she likes ice cream, so we'll be hitting Big Dipper for sure).

The gorgeous stack of samples from Anna's Marlisle book arrived and await a video discussion from us. The preparations keep us going! Never a dull moment around here. Thank you for reading along!!!


Anna Maltz

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