And Our Challenges Are . . .

Ok, here is the list of personal challenges. We're not attaching names to these but you know who you are! The year is ticking along . . . hope your needles are keeping busy, and we can't wait to see your goals achieved. We will let you know when our 2022 Challenge tote bags have landed.

  1. Colorwork for Christmas stockings
  2. Learn crochet & make a baby blanket/hat
  3. Finish sweater, make first socks, make Christmas stocking
  4. Work through some stash, I-cord edging, & a sweater from Knitting Plus or Knitting on the Edge
  5. Mosaic Crochet
  6. Cables
  7. Steeking (2)
  8. Finish son's sweater, make another son's sweater, & make a Little Cotton Rabbits softie
  9. Intarsia
  10. Finish UFOs/WIPs
  11. Learn colorwork & make first sweater
  12. Make 4 Christmas stockings
  13. Finish an adult sweater, make socks, and crochet a Christmas stocking
  14. Brioche (3)
  15. Finish a cardigan & steek it
  16. Ziggurat Sweater mastery
  17. Finish the Fireworks Sweater
  18. Hexipuffs project resurrection
  19. Crochet and stranded knitting
  20. Brioche, mosaic knitting, correct mistakes, & organize the yarn stash
  21. FINISH Potato Chip KAL & FINISH WIPs
  22. Complete a crochet sweater
  23. Finish a sweater & start a new one
  24. Finish wedding dress, make veil, make hubby a cabled sweater for Christmas, finish 2 WIPs
  25. Finish one UFO per month/finish old project before starting new one
  26. Complete 7 UFOs, start & finish 5 projects, & become better at short rows
  27. Make my 4th sweater - yoked colorwork construction
  28. Make 5 gifts before the end of the year
  29. Nordic themed projects - a Rauma cardigan, a shawl, + one other
  30. Finish the sweater KAL and make something pink
  31. Stranded colorwork & finish WIPs
  32. Knit stash yarn into a new sweater
  33. Finish Carbeth sweater & make Holiday Slipover
  34. Make a rug in bulky weight yarn
  35. Make a Norwegian sweater for son-in-law
  36. Finish 3 kids blankets & finish Alaska sweater, start weaving again
  37. Make first sweater
  38. Finish Mom's blanket by Mother's Day
  39. Teach a guy to knit.
  40. Make a Building Blocks Blanket by April.

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